Troop Elections
Scouts will be electing new troop leadership and patrol leadership during the 11/14 meeting. Please think of what position you may want to consider! Troop-level positions available are Senior Patrol Leader (Star Rank and above) and Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (First Class Rank and above). If you want to be considered for one of these two troop-level positions, if you haven't already done so, please talk with Mrs. Peterson or Mr. Nordin at the 11/7 troop meeting.
Scouts will also be electing new Patrol Leadership at the 11/14 meeting. More information about available leadership positions still is shared at the 11/7 meeting.
Philmont 2024 Interest Meeting
We will be hosting a Philmont high adventure interest meeting for parents and scouts who are interested and eligible to attend Philmont the summer of 2024. We will meet on Monday, November 14 during patrol time. During this meeting we will provide more detailed information about Philmont, including timing, requirements, preparation and cost, gauge interest levels and share parent volunteer needs. Please plan to attend this meeting as we will have to make some certain preliminary decisions by December 1.
The Philmont high adventure trip is for scouts who will be age 14 or older by summer 2024 (current 7th graders and older). Get excited by watching THIS VIDEO!